Discover your unique gifts and talents through interpreting the Star Pattern in the Heavens
on the day you were born
"Before you were born, I knew you..."
- God the Father in Heaven
What Does the Moment You Were Born Say About You?
What can you find out about your life from the day you were born? You may be surprised to learn that it can show you many things!
You can start discovering more of your picture of the Heavens, from the Star Pattern that was present on the day you were born. God created the markers in the Heavens that reveal a part of your unique personality and point you to how and where you need to ‘shine’ in your life. From this picture of the heavens, you can learn a lot about who you are and who you were created to be!
Even though we basically know ourselves, we all have questions about our purpose, gifts and talents. We may have problems we can’t seem to resolve. We want more insight into what we are experiencing but don’t know where to find it. We are searching for a happier more fulfilled life.
Answers to the questions we all have are available from the God Who created us. In addition to the Word of God, these answers can be found through the Heavens He created! He loves you and wants you to know about Himself AND yourself!
Discovering your true self can be a journey, but did you know that the information about who you are was recorded in the heavens at the moment of your birth? That's right, you can uncover the authentic 'You' that God created you to be by exploring this information. Let us help you on this journey of self-discovery.
Once you know more of who you were created to be and the qualities you possess you will have a confidence you never had before. You will know who you are, and no one will be able to take that away from you!
On the day you were born, the heavens were arranged in a certain way. This unique arrangement is a blueprint that can give insight into your personality and potential. A part of this insight comes through the symbolism shown by the Sun and the place it was at in the Heavens the moment you were born.
We are all born with gifts and talents, strengths and weaknesses! What are some of yours?
To begin this discovery, find which Constellation of the Zodiac the Sun was in on the day you were born and read the general description of the qualities listed about your Sun Sign. This will give you some insights into yourself - both positive and negative!
Do you recognize these traits in yourself? You’ve got potential! This is a very brief description of some of the traits and tools you have been given to live your life. To dive deeper, go to Sun Signs.
If you find you are having troubles with certain parts of your personality, you can ask God in Heaven to help you to strengthen the positive traits and to help balance or overcome the negative traits. Ask the Spirit to help you bring understanding to your life and how to live it in the best way possible way. Circumstances in your life can begin to change to teach you to have mastery in these areas!
What can the day of your birth tell you about your personality?

You can discover the authentic 'You' God created you to be through the information contained at the moment of your birth - it's recorded in the Heavens!
Quick Start - Insight into your Sun Sign
This is the easiest way to start learning more about yourself - all you need to know is the day you were born! The other insights need your birth information to get the details, but the Sun Sign information is available for you right now!
Next, with a few calculations -
Get Insight into your Moon Sign
While your Sun Sign describes your core personality, the Moon Sign represents your emotions, moods, and your more intimate side.
Once you know your Primary Star Pattern, look up the Sign the Moon was in at the time of your birth!
Then, when you know your exact BIRTH TIME,
with a few calculations -
Get the Description of Your Rising Sign
Your Rising Sign is a point identified by the constellation of Stars that were shining on the Eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. Depending on its Element and mode your Rising Sign will reveal the persona you display to the world and the mannerisms you use to project and protect yourself throughout your life.
Then, when you know your exact BIRTH TIME,
with a few calculations -
we can identify which HOUSE your Sun is in.
The House that your Sun is placed is the area of life that you were meant to 'Shine!' It shows where you apply your power and authority as well as where you display your gifts and talents. This is the area of life in which you take pride. You will be involved in this part of your life and use it intentionally.

Your Primary Star Pattern Answers Important Life Questions
Many people want to know their purpose and have prayed and prayed for God to show them. They don't know that He has a blueprint for their lives available for them to be able to know about themselves - their strengths and weaknesses.
When God created the earth, He also created the solar system the earth is in. Everything God created has a purpose. The Sun, Moon and Planets have more of a purpose in our lives than most have ever known before.
Most believers are taught that it is not God's will for them to study astrology. They are taught that it is wrong. What they don't know is that astrology itself is not against God's will, but that worshiping the planets is what is against His will. He made the sun and moon to rule by day and night for a purpose. Discover more about that purpose here.
The understanding of the constellations, sun, moon and planets was passed down from Adam, who named and understood them all, to Noah, to Abraham through the generations through today.
What's next after you've raised the kids and are thinking of your retirement years? Look at the blueprint of your life to build your second half of life!
Are you confused about who you are? Trying to find purpose? Lost your job, what is next? Marriage troubles? Hard to get along with others, Addicted? Insecure? Don't know who you are anymore? These types of questions can be answered with the information found in your natal chart.
Discover and interpret the main indicators in your Natal Chart to begin to see the gifts and talents you were born with, and the main area of life they will be used and developed in your life. Get yours here.
The Blueprint of Your Life is a fascinating concept that can help you understand your destiny and purpose on earth. By interpreting the symbolism in the heavens present at the time of your birth, you can unlock the understanding of God's plan for your life. This knowledge can help you grow more confident and secure, walking hand in hand with the Creator of the Universe. It's an incredible opportunity available to every believer!
The Spirit of Truth has revealed, and taught Rosemarie Jane time tested Biblical Astrology that is designed to bring people closer to God and an understanding of who He created them to be in order to better fulfill their purpose in life. She is bringing important information to Believers of the Christian and Messianic Judaism faith - the One New Man - who are searching for answers about their lives and faith walk.
By interpreting the personal signature of their lives as shown in the Heavens, Rose helps those who are seeking discover important keys to knowing who they are, leading them closer understanding and living their God-given purpose, bringing more fulfillment, contentment and happiness to their lives.

The Primary Star Pattern on the day you were born can reveal a lot about your personality and purpose in life. By exploring the different categories, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your unique path. Start your journey of self-discovery today!

Sun - The core of your personality and goals.
Moon - your emotions and desires that help fulfill the goals of your Sun

Rising Sign - your face to the world. How you project and protect your personality.
Sun's House - where you shine and develop your gifts and talents to use in fulfilling your purpose.

What is your Primary Star Pattern? It is the starting point in discovering your gift and talents. Find yours here.
Contact Rose at - Let us know how you have been led to learn about Astrology!