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Aries - A Month to Take Ownership of Your Life, Times Two!


Aries - A Month to Take Ownership of Your Life, Times Two!

New Year Power! This is a very important New Moon this year, especially since there will be two New Moons in Aries this year! Rare. Twice the emphasis on securing our identity!

Aries is the month that starts the Spiritual Biblical year, which is also the beginning of the Zodiacal calendar and the start of a new spiritual growth cycle.

In Aries we start the cycle of teaching the year provides through the meanings of each month. It is the month that addresses our identity.

This first month speaks about the individual. It's the month to take a look at ourselves and secure our identity. Who am I?

It is also a time to take responsibility for our individual lives.

This time of new beginnings provides an opportunity to think about the upcoming 12 months and what you'd like to do. Think about goals, desires, and areas you want to improve. Meet with God, 'come let us reason' and get clarity for the things you are praying about and believing for. Seek His insight and instruction for living out your life’s purpose. Put it to pen and paper. You'll be ready for a strong start at the spring Feast of Passover.

An exercise to learn more about yourself - list everything you know about yourself, starting with I am a child of God! Talents, frustrations, family, heritage, gifts, goals. I am ___________, _________, __________. You’ll be reminded or realize things about yourself you may have forgotten. What makes sense about your life? What doesn’t? What needs to change? What can you improve? What has changed since last year at this time?

Start the year taking the lead for your life, taking ownership of decisions you make, initiating positive direction, building your self-esteem and your individual power! At the end of the month, at the second New Moon in Aries, you can review what you've discovered about yourself and your life to build on through the rest of the year. Your new ‘you’ will be empowered for the new year!

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